Ashley Yeo, 'Drop of light (Pyramid)', 2019 Ashley Yeo, 'Drop of light (Pyramid)', 2019

Ashley Yeo, 'Drop of light (Pyramid)', 2019

  • Collection of the Artist

  • 2019

  • Paper

Ashley Yeo’s paper sculptures are simple yet intricate objects that endure despite their delicacy. Drop of light (Pyramid) is installed on a mirrored surface so its reflections are experienced as if through a recursive passage of containment and release as one’s eye weaves in and out of the paper’s apertures.

The artist’s practice encompasses drawing and creating art objects. She employs a consistent and exacting form of care towards her materials, imbuing what appears soft and fragile with strength and gravity.

listen to audio tour


Text: Magdalene Ho (Friends of the Museums, Singapore)
Read by: Yvonne Sim (Friends of the Museums, Singapore)
撰文与诵读:赵曼竹 (Chinese Docent Group)
原稿日本語訳および音声:中丸 育子


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