Workshop for Educators Workshop for Educators

Workshop for Educators


  • FRI, 9 NOV '18

  • SAM at 8Q, Workshop Space 2

  • 3PM – 5PM

  • Free with registration

    Registration Link

[Registration link will be available soon] 

Join art educator Adrian Tan as he shares the pedagogical strands in this exhibition and how to use the activity sheets to guide your secondary-level and tertiary-level students.

This workshop is not just limited to secondary and tertiary school educators; educators from primary schools are also welcome to join. Participating educators will be given accompanying educational materials that can be used for your own school visits to the 
President's Young Talents 2018 exhibition. 

Please note that this educators-only workshop will be cancelled if the number of sign-ups does not meet the minimum group size required. Registration will close one week before the workshop. Educators may only attend this workshop once.