Jon Chan, 'Concrete Movements', 2020 Jon Chan, 'Concrete Movements', 2020

Jon Chan, 'Concrete Movements', 2020

  • Collection of the Artist

  • Commission for 'Proposals for Novel Ways of Being'

  • 2020

  • Oil on linen

In Concrete Movements, different picture planes tangentially touch and empty streets coincide with viewpoints of a pond encircled by concrete. Drawing from Virginia Woolf’s representation of time as movement in To the Lighthouse, where a decade passes by in the span of a short chapter, this painting similarly explores how the experience of time can be likened to the experience of movement. The reflected streets and water bodies on the canvas continue to flow even as they are enveloped in concrete, projecting a movement through the painting winding through and around circumstances that appear difficult and unyielding.

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Text written and read by: Susan van der Elst (Friends of the Museums, Singapore)
撰文与诵读:王冠男 (Chinese Docent Group)
原稿日本語訳および音声:眞下 マキ


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