Community & Education Residency || 01 Aug to 30 Oct 2022

Johanna Palmeyro is a museum specialist, educator and artivist who explores the intersections between art, education, exhibition design, community outreach, popular feminism, activism and accessibility. She is interested in public policies and how museums can act as a tool for social transformation. Her main motivation is to be part of the change of museums, from conservative, verticalist and elitists institutions into socially engaged, accessible, horizontal, sustainable and inspiring platforms. She intends to use her time in residence to explore the potential of digital platforms in community outreach programmes.




Portrait image on listings page courtesy of the Artivist.
Hero banner: What present do we wish to print? Museum Justice Movement takes over Museo Nacional del Grabado. Image courtesy of Mariana Poggio, Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación.